Angaben zum Tauchplatz  der „MS JoJo“

The “JoJo” or correctly called “MS DON JOJO”, is another smaller wreck, which is located not far from the SS PANAY also in the Campomanes Bay, at about 32 m
It is a 66 m long cargo ship from the Lorenzo Shipping Corporation-Manila. 66 m langes Frachtschiff der Lorenzo Shipping Corporation-Manila.

The MS JoJo was built in 1964 in Japan under the name SANEI MARU and came to the Philippines in 1977.
About the circumstances of the sinking in 1985, nothing is known.

The MS JoJo offers a pretty interesting dive for wreck fans and a good contrast to the bright, colorful reef dives in Sipalay. During the descent on the rope beginning at 22 meters, it quickly becomes much darker and dimmer than one would expect. The visibility is rather bad. But that also seems to be the special appeal of JoJo. The ship wraps itself in a kind of mystical fog, just as if it wanted to hide from overly curious divers. Just right for adventure and exploration. The large cargo space is easy to dive and usually offers a better view than from outside the wreck. It is important not to forget the torch! The wreck is not too big and if you do not waste your time, you get around quite well. Depending on the possibility it is recommended to dive with Nitrox EN34 / 36. This can give you up to 15 min extra. The MS Jojo also has some special animals to offer. Curious batfish that look straight into your eye for a long time, seemingly just waiting for you to blink first. And many big lionfish, especially in the bow area. At first glance almost invisible, the JoJo also harbors many scorpionfish, snails and mantis shrimp. Shrimp and pipefish are also abundant in the cracks and crevices.


Name Tauchplatz:MS JoJo
Divesite:MS JoJo
Geografische Lage:Camponanes Bay, Sipalay Negros, PhillipinenLocation:Camponanes Bay, Sipalay Negros, Phillipines
Koordinaten: 9°42'3.44"N; 122°24'57.32"EGPS: 9°42'3.44"N; 122°24'57.32"E
Schwierigkeit:Für FortgeschritteneLevel:advanced
Erreichbarkeit:nur mit BootAccessible:only by Boot
Divetype:Wreck Dive
Sichtverhältnisse :Ø 0 m - 15 mVisibility:0 tf - 50 ft
Strömung:KeineCurrent: No Current
Eintieg:Abstieg am Seil
auf 23 Meter
descent by rope at 75 ft
Max. Tiefe:32 MeterMax. depth:105 ft
Ø Tauchtiefe:22-30 MeterDiving depth:72 ft-100 ft
Grundzeit/Nullzeit:ca. 30 min. mit Pressluft
ca. 45 min. mit EAN 36
Bottom Time/ No Decompression Limit:approx. 30 min. with Air
approx. 45 min. with EAN 36
Masse Wrack:66.0 m x ca .9 m
Weck dimensions:216-5 ft x approx. 29 ft
Lage/ Zustand:Liegt auf der Backbord Seite auf GrundWreck situation:In side position at ground (Backbord)
Tauchanbieter:Alle Tauchbasen im Gebiet von SipalayDiving operators:All divecenter in the area of Sipalay
Korallen Bewuchs:SpärlichCoral growth:poor
Zu erwartende Tiere:Viele Rotfeuerfiche und
Fledermausfische, gelegentlich kleinere Fischschwärme.
Animals:Batfish, lot of lionsfish.
swarms of small fishes.
Nächste Druckkammer:Cebu Recompression Chamber
Viscom Station Hospital
Military Camp Lapu-Lapu
Lahug, Cebu City, Philippines
Contact Person: Mamerto Ortega,
Phone: +63 (32) 310-709 Chamber
Phone: +63 (32) 232-2464 to 68 local 3625 / 233-9942
Next decompression chamber:Cebu Recompression Chamber
Viscom Station Hospital
Military Camp Lapu-Lapu
Lahug, Cebu City, Philippines
Contact Person: Mamerto Ortega,
Phone: +63 (32) 310-709 Chamber
Phone: +63 (32) 232-2464 to 68 local 3625 / 233-9942


Simple outline map of the wreck



Information about the vessel MS JoJo

Name:1977-1985 DON JOJO
1977 Venus
1964-1977 SANEI MARU
Name of the ship:1977-1985 DON JOJO
1977 Venus
1964-1977 SANEI MARU
Internationale Schiffsnummer:6419253International maritime organization number:6419253
Baujahr:1964Year of build:1964
Stapellauf:März 1964Launch date:March 1964
Eigner:1964-1974 Kashiwagi Kisen KK- JPN Namikata
1974-1977 Marui Kaiun Shokai GK-JPN Kuchinotsu
1977 Golden Bond Nav-PHL
1977-1985 Lorenzo SG Corp-PHL Manila
Owner:1964-1974 Kashiwagi Kisen KK- JPN Namikata
1974-1977 Marui Kaiun Shokai GK-JPN Kuchinotsu
1977 Golden Bond Nav-PHL
1977-1985 Lorenzo SG Corp-PHL Manila
Verlust:1985Date of sinking:1985
Länge über alles:66.0 mLength overall:216-5 ft
Länge LWL:60.0 mLPP:196-8 ft
Breite:10.0 mBeam:32-8 ft
Brutto Registertonnen:958 BRT
Gross tonnage:958 BRT
Tragfähigkeit:1500 tDeadweight tons:1500 DWT
Motor:1 x Dieselmotor
1x Schiffsschraube
Engine:1-Disel engine
1- scew
Dienst Geschwindigkeit:11.5 kn = 21 km/hSpeed at service:11.5 kn = 13 mph


Not the MS JoJo!

Zur Zeit steht leider kein Bild der MS JoJo zur Verfügung. Das Schiff auf dem Nachfolgen Foto, obwohl es zufällig ebenfalls „JoJo“ heisst, ist nicht unsere“MS DON JOJO“ die auf dem Grund der Campomanes Bay liegt.
However, the ship shown is so similar to our MS JoJo that I would like to show it to you for a better visualization.


This type of ship is a production model of the Japanese IMABARI shipyard and was built more than 50 times in different variants.
The deviations with our “JoJo” are mainly the missing mast basket and the number of windows of the bridge house.

Location of the MS JoJo at Campomanes bay

